MAS.862: The Physics of Information Technology
Tuesdays 1:00-4:00 E14-493
Neil Gershenfeld

Have you ever wondered how:

MAS.862 will provide answers to these and many other questions, through a survey of the theoretical foundations and device mechanisms used in information technologies. The schedule will be:

2/05: interactions, units, and magnitudes
2/12: noise in physical systems
2/26: information in physical systems
3/05: electromagnetic fields and waves
3/12: circuits, transmission lines, and waveguides
3/19: antennas
4/02: optics and lensless imaging
4/09: semiconductor materials and devices
4/23: magnetic materials and devices
4/30: transducers
5/07: measurement and coding
5/14: quantum computing and communications
5/20: final projects

These topics will be developed through weekly problem sets, laboratory demonstrations, and analytical, numerical, or experimental semester projects.
