Week 0

Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal

For my Proposal in HTMAA 2021, I was interested in creating 3D printed interactive shoes for kids, that has embbeded elements within their creation.

Research: what if kids could learn from their shoe? 3D printing allowing personalized design and creation of customized wearables. My research investigate the creation of shoes for kids age 3-6, for the developments of interactive capabilities that embbeded inside the inner sole. The interactive shoes created to add learning dimension while walking. The sensors will capture in a simple way for kids to understand distances speeds and times while having a fun time :)

I worked a bit on prorotyping the shoe using free 3D sketch on the VR headset, but I will need work also on a printed model, where I can try to embed the electronics as part of the printing process.

I designed the shoe using Rhino, and printed with white PLA for testing the shape.