Week 3

3D Printing & Scanning

This week, we worked on 3D printing and 3D scanning techniques and learned about additive manufacturing both as group project and individual assignments. This must be the most fun week for me, as in my practice I am working on wearable 3D printed outfits and shoes, and worked in the past few years on multi-color printed fabrics and accessories in collaboration with Stratasys R&D team- 3D WeAreAble 2020. I am working towards customized 3D printed wearable projects for Jewelry, garment and shoe designs.

Group project

Together with my teammates from the Architecture department: Kim, MQ, Demircan and Zach, we tested the design rules of the 3D printer in the Arch shop, using the Sindoh printer and Slicer. We used white PLA and realized from the stl files the quality of the 3D print, the maximum thickness of the walls and where we should add support material to allow a smooth print.

we worked in the Slicer and sent the prints to the printer

For our test, we used a support material just for the printer bed, to allow good connection for the first layer of the print:

After finishing printing, most of the files turned out ok, besides one that required additional support under the horizontal part

Personal assignment - 3D scanning

For the individual assignment, I worked with the 3D scanner in the Architecture department, where Kim helped me to 3D scan a piece of felt fabric. I was intersted in the texture and seeing hot soft surface can be translated to digital material.

We started by calibrating the 3D scanner, and continued to the process capturing the fabric from multi angles.

When we finished, we needed to close the mesh to a continous surface, as lots of areas werent connented

3D Printed kids shoe

For the individual assignment, I worked on a prototype for 3D printed kids shoe, where all the parts are printed as one piece without assembly. I designed the shoe using Rhino, and printed with the same material white PLA.

It turned out to work well with additional support in the front part, as long with a base layer for better attachment to the printed bed.

After 4 hours of print, the final piece was a tiny success towards the interactive shoe for kids :)

Multi color

For the assignment, I designed a Circular shape using Rhino and GH to make a printed object that could not be made subtractively. I worked on the Powder 3D printer - 3DSystems Projet 660 to make a colorful ball, including shape inside a shape tryout

processing... :)

The prints outcome :)