# [Robot](vis/public/index.html)
## Virtual
### Kinematics
Relationships in terms of position/velocity between the joint- and work-space.
#### Models:
Direct (Forward): once the joint position, velocity, acceleration are known, compute the corresponding variables of the end-effector in a given reference frame (e.g. a Cartesian frame).
Inverse: computation of the relevant variables (positions, velocities, accelerations) from the work space to the joint space.
### Dynamics
Relationships between the torques applied to the joints and the consequent movements of the links.
#### Models:
Direct: once the forces/torques applied to the joints, as well as the joint positions and velocities are known, compute the joint accelerations
Inverse: once the joint accelerations, velocities and positions are known, compute the corresponding forces/torques
#### Reasons for studying:
Simulation -> test desired motions without resorting to real experimentation
Analysis and synthesis: of suitable control algorithms
Analysis of the structural properties: of the manipulator since the design phase.
#### Approaches:
### Control
Computation of the control actions (joint torques) necessary to execute a desired motion.
### Trajectory planning
Planning of the desired movements of the manipulator.
### Sensors and Actuators (End Defector)
## Physical
### Motors and Actuators
### Electronics
### Mechanics
### Comunication
## State
Virtual construct of the skeleton system.
Direct and inverse kinematics for positionning and orientation.
Path planning for PTP manipulation.
Simple test for synchronize motor control using arduino motor driver and stepper motors
## Todo
Jacobian is used for several purposes: (differential kinematics dynamics)
To define the relationship between joint and workspace velocities (differential kinematics)
To define the relationship between forces/torques between the spaces
To study the singular configurations
To define numerical procedures for the solution of the IK problem
To study the manipulability properties.
Path planning for lines and hopfully for blending between ptp/lines.